


smash 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. smash. verb.

Smoosh Definition & Meaning

The meaning of SMOOSH is to press (something, such as food) into a pulp or a flat shape : squash, mash. How to use smoosh in a sentence.


A beaten or pulverized mass. The steamroller left her pie an unrecognizable smush. An act of crushing or squeezing. quotations ▽.

Smush Definition & Meaning

Smush definition: To press, smash, or squeeze into a soft or flat mass; squash.

SMUSH Definition & Usage Examples

to mash or push, especially to push down or in; compress: to smush a pie in someone's face. 1. /. 15. POV: Word of the Day.

SMUSH definition and meaning

SMUSH definition: to smash or crush | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.

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